“Translate your Blog into English. You will never succeed making money from Blogging if your Blog is not in English, especially if you want to make money from a Paid per Post program”, my friend told me a few months after I created this Blog. Thanks a lot to my dearest friend for your valuable advice.
Since I translated and wrote my Blog posts in English, and then joined paid per post programs, I finally could make money from this and my other Blogs. Approximately US$ 250 I earned, especially from paid per post program, for this one year. So, Bloggers, if you want to make money from your Blog posts, you better make your Blog in English. I have proved it. If your Blog posts are still in other language, translate it into English. You better create your Blog title in English too.
If you find some difficulties in translating your Blog posts, you can find translators that you can search easily through the internet. We can buy translation service on the net at the best prices. We can even get free translation – it sounds incredible. Isn’t it?
At the beginning, translation is my ultimate problem for my Blogging activities, too. But, as time goes by, I finally can solve this translation problem as easy as 1-2-3, so that my Blogging activities are made easy. So, translate your Blog into English, and let’s make money online.
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